A Web services infrastructure for manufacturing companies, analytical laboratories and consumers in the agrifood sector

News of: 13.06.2022

As part of Work Package 3 of the sPatials3 project, an infrastructure of web services has been developed to improve the collaboration between the companies and the research laboratories participating in the project.

This is achieved by offering tools to communicate the characteristics of the products and the results of the analysis carried out by laboratories to consumers.

Through dedicated web services, the agrifood companies can record both the data relating to their profile and the characteristics of the products, while laboratories can record the results of the diagnostic analyzes conducted by them on the products and on the characteristics of the packaging. Such data are made immediately accessible to the consumer by simply scanning a QRcode printed on the product package itself.

The results returned by scanning the QRcode labels are dynamically updated as new analyzes are carried out by laboratories also allowing the consumer to express satisfaction ratings of the product purchased in order to provide feedback to companies.

This virtuous circle involving agrifood companies, laboratories and consumers triggers consumers’ awareness on the quality of the products, and finally contributes to promote the quality of the agrifood sector.